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A Statement on House Joint Resolution H

Mar 21, 2025, 02:31 PM by Jennifer Smith, MASB Director of Government Relations

The Michigan Association of School Boards, Michigan Association of Superintendents and Administrators, Michigan Association of Secondary School Principals, Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators and the Michigan Association for Student Opportunity issued the following statement today regarding the introduction of House Joint Resolution H.

“We appreciate Rep. Tim Kelly introducing House Joint Resolution H today, removing university operating budgets from the School Aid Fund.  What started as a one-time loan from our public schools in 2010 has ballooned to hundreds of millions of dollars a year diverted to universities instead of reaching their intended purpose, public K-12 schools.  Amending Michigan’s Constitution is the best way to ensure that those dollars are reserved for our K-12 classrooms and that no further funding can be shifted from the State’s General Fund for the purpose of funding universities.  It’s a much-needed first step in looking comprehensively at how the School Aid Fund has increasingly been used as a piggy bank for General Fund spending. We look forward to continuing the discussion and working with Rep. Kelly, the House and the Senate to pass this resolution and implement this policy in the 2025 – 2026 budget.”


For more information, please contact MASB Director of Government Relations Jennifer Smith at or 517-327-5912.