MASB offers a number of services to member districts and the education community as a whole. We have a highly skilled and professional staff that are ready to assist you in areas of policy, governance, labor relations, strategic planning and superintendent search.
Additionally, MASB has in-house legal counsel available to every member to answer school law questions saving districts hundreds of dollars in legal fees. All MASB members are eligible to receive assistance from the Legal Trust Fund in helping pay
legal fees relating to cases that have statewide significance.
We recognize that districts carefully examine all expenditures and we are committed to providing the same excellent level of service for our members while continually looking
for ways to keep costs down. We’re asking ourselves the same questions you are asking. What can we offer more inexpensively? What can we repurpose and offer for free? How can we offer training in a more cost-effective way? We successfully lobbied for training reimbursement and introduced the
Member Assistance Fund and are continuing to look at other changes in order to meet your needs and reduce your costs at the same time.