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Where: In Person
Lansing Center
333 E Michigan Ave
Lansing MI

An annual statewide conference like this offers access to training that can benefit both you as an individual board member and your district. Research indicates that boards with high expectations, united teamwork with the superintendent, good understanding of data, and a focus on team development and knowledge building often govern districts with high student achievement.

This conference also presents a great opportunity to learn from your fellow board members. Use this time to build personal relationships, share lessons learned and best practices. This way, everyone can benefit from your experiences and expertise in your role, and you can learn from theirs.

Event Policies

Accessibility and Accommodations
Code of Conduct
Event Access and Materials
Event Photography
Guest Policy
Join the Conversation
Meal Policy
No Recording
Non-Member Event Participation
Participant Capacity Limits
Potential Cost Reimbursement

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