MI SoundBoard
is MASB’s twice-a-month podcast where Executive Director Don Wotruba, CAE speaks with prominent
education voices from across the nation on the current state of education in Michigan and nationwide.
It is distributed via email on the second and fourth Saturdays of each month to more than 6,000 school board members, superintendents, businesses, legislators and other education stakeholders. MI SoundBoard
episodes are available on Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify and archived on the MASB website.
This is a unique advertising opportunity to reach various education stakeholders with your company's message!
Provide 15–30 seconds worth of read copy to be recorded by MASB staff and inserted into the month's two episodes. A general rule of thumb is between 40 and 80 words.
Text should be submitted via email. Ads that do not meet the requirements outlined will be subject to rejection.
Ads are due by the 15th of the month prior to when they will be featured (i.e., Jan. 15 to be included in the February issue).
Contact the CPRM Department.