What principles should affect school board decisionmaking? What are the behaviors of school boards—as well as individual school board members—that contribute to positive outcomes for students? The Board of Education Governance Standards were developed by school board members for school board members to provide a shared framework for effective school district governance.
We used extensive research to benchmark the best practices of effective school boards—looking at thousands of board members and superintendents. These standards show what it takes to be effective.
Factoring in accountability, commitment to learning, inclusivity, stewardship, civility, empathy and so much more, it's time for us to make sure we're doing all we can to improve student achievement and enhance public education. Change only happens when
we decide to stand up and make it happen. It starts with us.
What are “standards?”
Standards are commonly agreed upon principles often used as criteria for comparison or
measurement. In public education, the standards movement has led to the development of new
student standards that describe what students should know and be expected to do at each grade
level. There are professional standards for teachers, superintendents and administrators as well.
What are the Board of Education Governance Standards?
The Standards provide a shared framework for effective school board governance. Not only do
they define the principles that should affect board decisionmaking, they also identify the
specific behaviors of school boards and school board members that contribute to positive
outcomes for students. And they do so in simple terms so as to be easily understood by board
members and the entire school district community. The Standards reflect 30 years worth of
research showing a correlation between the work of school boards and student achievement.
The State Board of Education endorsed the Board of Education Governance Standards on Sept.
12, 2017.
What is the intent of the Board of Education Governance Standards?
The intent of the Standards is to support boards in their efforts to govern effectively and to
provide a useful tool for the community to assess how its board is doing. The Standards also
serve as critical information for citizens who are considering seeking a seat on a school board.
Why did MASB develop Board of Education Governance Standards for boards?
MASB, which represents nearly all public school districts in the state, is committed to providing school leaders with the support they need to effectively
carry out their elected role. As part of the statewide and nationwide discussion about
accountability, many individuals and entities have been taking a closer look at school board
governance. We recognize that any efforts to enhance the effectiveness of boards must be led by
the practitioners themselves—locally elected board members—based on research and training
that has proven to be effective.
What does the term “governance” mean?
MASB defines governance as the “act of transforming the needs, wishes and desires of the
community into policies that direct the community’s schools.” One of the hallmarks of our
democratic society is that lay citizens are elected to “govern” our public institutions.
How should boards adopt and utilize the Standards?
MASB has provided a toolkit that includes information about adopting and utilizing the
Standards. Once adopted,
the Board of Education Governance Standards can be utilized in an ongoing manner including
having the Standards posted at meetings, revisiting the Standards regularly and respectfully
discussing when the conduct of the board, or individual board members, is inconsistent with
the Standards. After all, striving to operate effectively as a board is an ongoing commitment.
Adopting the Board of Education Governance Standards signals the board’s commitment to
effective governance—but the Standards serve as only part of the framework for the board’s
ongoing efforts.
Our board has experienced some serious challenges. How will the Standards help us?
The Standards provide a framework for boards to enhance their effectiveness. They are
designed to focus a board’s efforts and enhance understanding about what it takes to operate
effectively as a team. For a board that has been experiencing challenges, reaching a common
understanding about the key building blocks of effective governance is often an essential first
step. Many governance teams will want to formalize their commitment to effective governance
by adopting the Standards as a guiding document, continually evaluating the extent of their
ability to "live" the Standards and engaging in dialogue and training to support continuous
Can we distribute the Board of Education Governance Standards to future school board candidates?
Yes. The Board of Education Governance Standards are designed to provide a description of
what an effective trustee and board should do based on 30 years worth of research. We expect
that individuals considering running for a board would want to receive the Standards so they
can gain a better understanding up front about what it takes to be an effective member of a
governing board.
Are there any consequences for boards or board members who are not in compliance with the Standards?
The Board of Education Governance Standards are voluntary and advisory. Local and
intermediate boards can utilize the Standards in a number of ways to enhance effective
governance. We encourage boards to conduct periodic evaluations based on the Standards, and
boards should, as appropriate, encourage the local community to assess their progress toward
achieving the Standards as part of an effort to engage the public.
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