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Board Self-Assessment

Measure Your Board’s Performance With MASB’s Online Survey Tool

A board self-assessment is a key step on the road to governance excellence. A fundamental part of quality leadership is regularly evaluating how the board is doing.

A board self-assessment serves many purposes, including:

  • Fostering healthy dialogue
  • Improving the board’s understanding of its roles and responsibilities
  • Gathering the perceptions of all board members
  • Identifying next steps for board development
  • Demonstrating continuous improvement 

MASB encourages boards to develop a strong commitment to regularly evaluate and improve their practices and procedures, and is available to help member boards meet this important challenge.

  • Leadership
  • Academic Performance/Accountability
  • Board Responsibilities 
  • Board Effectiveness
  • Data-Driven Decisionmaking
  • Board/Superintendent Relations
  • Community Engagement/Advocacy

The results are compiled by MASB ensuring anonymity and open feedback. A board self-assessment report and brief summary are provided free of charge.

In addition to the free-of-charge option, participating districts could choose to have a MASB-facilitated workshop customized to address your board’s survey results for $825 (plus expenses).


The sample report contains the questions and categories included in the survey.

If you have any questions, please contact the Leadership Development and Executive Search Services Department: